Entry Preparation Charges
UPS offers free+* routine customs clearance of UPS Worldwide Express Plus®, UPS Worldwide Express®, UPS Worldwide Express Freight™, UPS Worldwide Express Saver®, and UPS Worldwide Expedited®. Use the chart below to calculate the customs brokerage fee for your inbound shipments.

Note: Rates do not include applicable duties or taxes.

Entry Preparation Charges
Value for Duty
UPS Standard Service and All Other Couriers/Transportation Companies*
UPS Worldwide Express Plus, UPS Worldwide Express, UPS Worldwide Express Freight™, UPS Worldwide Express Saver, and UPS Worldwide Expedited Services
$0.00  to  $20.00
$ -
$20.01 to $40.00
$40.01 to $60.00
$60.01 to $100.00
$100.01 to $150.00
$150.01 to $200.00
$200.01 to $350.00
$350.01 to $500.00
$500.01 to $750.00
$750.01 to $1,000.00
$1,000.01 to $1,600.00
$1,600.01 to $2,500.00
Each additional $1,000

Bond Fees
Customers are responsible for payment of duties and taxes. When funds are not provided in advance by the customer, and UPS must post a bond to allow UPS shipments to be released in advance of payment to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), a fee of 2.7 percent (minimum $6.00 on Worldwide Standard®; minimum $10 on UPS Worldwide Express Plus®, UPS Worldwide Express®, UPS Worldwide Express Freight™, UPS Worldwide Express Saver® and UPS Worldwide Expedited®) of the amount advanced by UPS will be charged. To avoid bond fees, call 1-800-PICK-UPS and ask about our Prepayment or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) plans.

Additional Services
Duty and Tax Amendment
Import Permits (each)
$23.00 each
Other Government Departments (O.G.D.) Processing Fee**
$16.00 each
Outport Entry Fee (for non-UPS carried shipments only)
$10.00 each
Low-Value Shipment Amendment***
Each additional classification line after first 5 lines*
Collect On Delivery (C.O.D.) Fee for collecting import charges on delivery to avoid C.O.D. Fees and expedite the customs clearance of your shipments, call 1-800-PICK-UPS and ask about setting up a UPS Customs Brokerage/Importer Account.
Invoice Integrity Fee****
Other services are available. Additional charges may apply. Call 1-800-PICK-UPS for details.

Note: Additional charges may apply for shipments requiring Governmental Department clearance.

* The first five classification lines are included in this fee; line charges only apply from the sixth line.

** This fee applies to all shipments requiring other government department clearance including, but not limited to, those subject to Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Natural Resources Canada import requirements.

*** This fee applies if the Amendment is submitted on or before the 10th of the month following the import date. If submitted after, the Duty and Tax Amendment applies instead.

**** This fee may apply when the included documents are missing critical information and a telephone call is required to obtain the correct information. Examples of missing information include poor descriptions, no country of origin, missing quantities, etc.

Free+ - When UPS Customs Brokerage handles your imports, there is no Entry Preparation Fee for routine customs clearance of UPS Worldwide Express Plus, UPS Worldwide Express, UPS Worldwide Express Freight, UPS Worldwide Express Saver, and UPS Worldwide Expedited shipments, including up to five classification lines. Charges may apply for more complex customs clearance procedures.

Rates, charges, and services are subject to change without notice.