LS1 Tech Calendar??
Originally Posted by BlownChevy
If you only had a dollor for every time you answer that question
1. Is that you with your car?
2. I always thought you were a dude!
and the one that made me laugh harder than I have ever laughed before
3. "Hey bro, I saw your ride in the calendar. That car is sweet and your girlfriend is hot! You are one lucky dude."
I replied back with, "thanks. The car is my pride and joy... and I guess my girlfriend is ok too but she could use some work." He sent me back a message and practically flipped out on me telling me that I should respect my gal and so forth. He told me that if I didn't want her anymore then he would take her. I got such a kick out of that but I finally messaged him back and told him the truth. I never heard from him again I guess some people just don't like my sense of humor.
Originally Posted by Zangel
I have received alot of messages about the calendar since it came out. The ones I get most often are:
1. Is that you with your car?
2. I always thought you were a dude!
and the one that made me laugh harder than I have ever laughed before
3. "Hey bro, I saw your ride in the calendar. That car is sweet and your girlfriend is hot! You are one lucky dude."
I replied back with, "thanks. The car is my pride and joy... and I guess my girlfriend is ok too but she could use some work." He sent me back a message and practically flipped out on me telling me that I should respect my gal and so forth. He told me that if I didn't want her anymore than he would take her. I got such a kick out of that but I finally message him back and told him the truth. I never heard from him again I guess some people just don't like my sense of humor.
1. Is that you with your car?
2. I always thought you were a dude!
and the one that made me laugh harder than I have ever laughed before
3. "Hey bro, I saw your ride in the calendar. That car is sweet and your girlfriend is hot! You are one lucky dude."
I replied back with, "thanks. The car is my pride and joy... and I guess my girlfriend is ok too but she could use some work." He sent me back a message and practically flipped out on me telling me that I should respect my gal and so forth. He told me that if I didn't want her anymore than he would take her. I got such a kick out of that but I finally message him back and told him the truth. I never heard from him again I guess some people just don't like my sense of humor.